Kenn Loch

"As a Board of Trustee member of the MDF National Endowment Fund, past Chairman of the Mule Deer Foundation, and founding member and past co-Chair of the MDF Greater Houston Chapter, I have seen both near and far how MDF efficiently conserves mule deer, black-tailed deer and their habitat. When I joined the MDF Board many moons ago, I was asked why I wanted to serve MDF. The answer was simple, to leave a legacy not just of improved mule deer and black-tailed deer health and habitat but also of lasting conservation leadership.
There are many ways to join and support the incredible efforts of MDF, and one of the most easy, lasting, and impactful ways is through planned giving. I believe in leading by example and therefore as part of my personal conservation legacy, I have included MDF in my estate planning. Please join me in providing a planned gift to MDF to help ensure that the beauty and opportunity of our shared passion lives on brightly for all generations after us."